Sunburst Over River

Tag: ritual

  • spirits, metals, and gods

    spirits, metals, and gods

    …a strange land, alarming, sewn with spirits, metals, and gods, whose labyrinthine passages and phantasmagoria are concentrated little by little in a single point of light the “myth” […]

  • Separate the Artist from his Work

    Separate the Artist from his Work

    … it is certainly best to separate an artist from his work in such a way that one does not take him as seriously as his work. Ultimately, […]

  • Embracing the Lash: Pain and Ritual as Spiritual Experience

    Embracing the Lash: Pain and Ritual as Spiritual Experience

    Whilst purification and, to a far lesser extent, punishment still have their place, in Wicca submission to pain must also be explored in terms of initiatory ordeal, as […]