
  • spirits, metals, and gods

    spirits, metals, and gods

    …a strange land, alarming, sewn with spirits, metals, and gods, whose labyrinthine passages and phantasmagoria are concentrated little by little in a single point of light the “myth” of a race of “kingless” and “free” creatures… The Hermetic Tradition

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  • Separate the Artist from his Work

    … it is certainly best to separate an artist from his work in such a way that one does not take him as seriously as his work. Ultimately, he is only the precondition for his work, the womb, the soil, under certain circumstances the fertilizer and manure out of which something grows – and therefore…

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  • Embracing the Lash: Pain and Ritual as Spiritual Experience

    Whilst purification and, to a far lesser extent, punishment still have their place, in Wicca submission to pain must also be explored in terms of initiatory ordeal, as well as an opportunity for transcendence and as arousal, sensation, and energy generation. However, voluntary submission to the infliction of pain, especially in order to enable religious/spiritual…

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