
  • Rūna of Fire

    Rūna of Fire

    When thou shalt behold that holy and formless Fire shining flashingly through the depths of the Universe: Hear thou the voice of Fire.

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  • What will an individual do when under the strain of acute misery?

    There is a positive and a negative reaction to such a condition Positive. A greater effort is called forth. The individual will show more strength and will-power and will try to overcome the obstacle or the cause of misery through physical, intellectual, and moral effort. It will be an entirely conscious and rational attempt supported…

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  • Separate the Artist from his Work

    … it is certainly best to separate an artist from his work in such a way that one does not take him as seriously as his work. Ultimately, he is only the precondition for his work, the womb, the soil, under certain circumstances the fertilizer and manure out of which something grows – and therefore…

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